Article No. 0223

Are You Leaving Earth
Head First
Feet First?

“ For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell;
neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One
to see corruption.”

Psalm 16:10

The famous evangelist Billy Graham once said, “You cannot control the length of your life. You can control the depth.” It is that last word that is of particular interest. So while at the end of life your physical body is buried “feet first” into the ground, the altitude – or level – where you wind-up in eternity depends entirely on you.

Today’s scripture is a prophecy about Christ when after his crucifixion, he overcame death, bursting up “head first” from the grave, and leading the way for us up to heaven. The Bible describes this event saying:

“When he went up (from Hell and the Grave) to the highest place, he led away many prisoners and gave gifts to people.”
Ephesians 4:8

To be led away in like manner, there’s only one catch – do you believe he really did rise from the dead and provide a way for you to go “head first” up into eternity? If there is one stumbling block to believing the gospel message, it hinges on this one point: Did Christ die, descend into the grave,
ascend into heaven and give the gift of
eternal life to those that believe this
to go up “head first” to heaven?

We will all depart this world either feet first or head first. One of these two ways will happen, depending on what you believe about the above. Which way will YOU enter eternity??

That choice is entirely up to you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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