Article No. 0222

Are You Always Drinking
Out Of The Same
Coffee Cup?

“I will meditate also of all thy work,
and talk of thy doings.”

Psalm 77:12

Most of us are creatures of habit. We sleep on the same side of the bed, usually eat the same thing for breakfast - and for us coffee or tea drinkers - start off the day with a freshly brewed cup of our favorite beverage, and chances are we also prefer to use a favorite mug. Here’s mine!

There are three types of habits we all practice. Some are neutral (like a favorite cup) that have no bearing on how they will affect our lives. Some are negative and in practicing them uncontrollably can be destructive or harmful (like heavy eating, drinking, or smoking.) But there are very positive habits like exercise, fresh air, and speaking and being kind to ourselves and others that are always positive and beneficial.

Today’s verse asks us to get into the very good healthy habit of reading, thinking, meditating, speaking, and proclaiming God’s WORD. Jesus himself said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

As food is to the body, the Word of God is to LIFE. It is the spiritual equivalent of a vitamin for the soul. As we get in the habit of nourishing ourselves by seeing, hearing, reading, meditating, and speaking out the WORD, good things can and will happen.

On a personal note, the first think I lay my eyes upon each morning is the Word of God, and the last thing I lay my eyes upon when going to sleep is the Word of God. Make His WORD a habit, and you will see yourself nourished, growing and blessed!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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