Article No. 0217

What Do You Mean
I’m LOST?!?

“All of us are like sheep and have strayed away.
We have left God’s paths to follow our own way.”

Isaiah 53:6

Pastor Wayne, I am sick and tired of
hearing that I am “LOST”
and need to be “SAVED!”
What’s that all about?! I Know where I am, I’m Not Lost
and I Don’t Need SAVING!

If that is how you feel, I totally get it! Those terms do seem insulting, but let’s take another at what it means to be “Lost ” and “Saved”.

Jesus gives the best answer to this in in Luke 15:4-5 in his parable about a good shepherd that has lost one of his sheep and goes out to look for it. Not to insult you or me, but sheep are some of the dumbest animals on earth, and the lost sheep here is analogous to us as people. The wooly little lamb was probably having a good ole’ time on his walk-about, but foolishly wondered away from the protection of the shepherd and within range of raiders. He didn’t think he was lost and most likely would have had no problems until in danger, but by that time it would be too late.

Just like that little sheep, we “sheep” think we have it all together. The Apostle Paul put it this way:

“Most people think that
they are wise but actually,
they are fools.”

Romans 1:22

Many people live their lives just like the verse above and the wayward sheep. They think they are on the right path, but have slowly and foolishly have moved so far from the protection of the good shepherd - that like that lost lamb - they will eventually be in danger. In fact, they have completely forgotten about the Good Shepherd. Have you?

Jesus has come to find you, “the lost sheep,” and to save you from an eternity that you in no way would have chosen if only you had known what was coming at the end of the path you are on. He is literally the Life Preserver that will SAVE YOU. The question is, “Do you believe this or not?” If so, don’t be like that wayward sheep!! Reach out your hand, seek Christ, and BE SAVED!! Not LOST!!

“You shall seek me and find me,
when you search for me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:13

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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