Article No. 0216

Good Stuff Comes
From DIRT!

“Buried with him in baptism,
wherein also ye are risen with him through
the faith the operation of God, who hath
raised him from the dead.”

Colossians 2:12

A very elderly woman I knew loved plants and flowers. Early every morning before the heat of the day she was in her garden watering, pruning, cleaning and feeding her little friends and meticulously nurturing every plant. All weeds were adeptly pulled and any destructive insects eradicated. Her loving efforts painted a garden of color and beauty admired by all.

One day she said something to me that was so simple, but shockingly profound:

Isn’t it amazing what God brings up from the dirt!

Jesus also talked about planting seed, and for a good crop to come forth and bear fruit, four things are needed; the sower, the sun, the sea (water) and the soil. When all those are in perfect alignment, good things always rise out of the dirt.

In this analogy we are like dirt and are indeed dirty in our sin, but once planted or submersed (Baptize means submerged) in Christ, we can and will sprout forth into new life. Christ as the water of life and the light of the world (sun/son!) comes into our hearts and new life, growth and beauty always spring forth.

Maybe you feel or have felt like dirt at some point, but don’t dispair, because although we all start in sin as dirt, we can and will blossom into beauty when we are planted in God’s glory.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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