Article No. 0215

Expect The Unexpected

“See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the
wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

Isaiah 43:19

I have an old beat up book that my friend Iris gave to me years ago that I love and adore. Written by Frances J. Roberts, it is a collection of immensely profound insights given to her while in deep prayer. Although without a cover and with an introductory page scribbled with someone’s ancient grocery list, it’s a book I have treasured over the years called Come Away With Me.

This is no ordinary book. Written using an old English language style as Jesus spoke to her heart, it is a series of touching vignettes about Jesus’ amazing love, faithfulness, Word, awareness, nearness, passion , guidance, correction, joy, sorrow, anger and disappointments for all of us. I always enjoy reading this comforting little book because Jesus speaks directly to me making me feel so safe and secure, so certain that I am not alone, because in the words of throughout the book, He assures me how extremely close He is knowing every detail of my life guiding and directing all my steps - regardless of what I do not know or expect will happen.

In one of the chapters, “Expect The Unexpected,“ Jesus says, “O My child, let me speak to thee, and let the Spirit direct thy life. I may lead you in unexpected ways, and ask things of you that are startling, but I will never guide you amiss. Be obedient to My voice.” He also says “Be flexible, because there are a multitude of souls who are searching for Me, and would never come into contact with Me in a personal way through the channels of an organized church.”

Throughout this endearing little book Jesus encourages us to PRAISE HIS NAME and to pour out our love and adoration for Him in worship. He reminds us again and again that “LOVE NEVER FAILETH.” “Loving Me never fails to bring Me to thy side. He seeth Me most clearly who loves Me most dearly.”

My friend, Jesus is always saying to us, “come away with me“ every minute of every day. Spending time with Him and reading His Word is the most precious gift you will ever receive. How He loves you and wants to live inside your heart. If you haven’t met Him, won’t you open up your heart right now and ask Him to come in? Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to make you white as snow and He will. Once you open the door to Christ in your heart, expect him to show up in unexpected ways!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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