Article No. 0202

The Five Keys To Happiness

Some of the little-known keys to happiness according to the Bible

“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and
the man that getteth understanding”

Proverbs 3:13

Key No. 1: Be Content

“Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
For we brought nothing into this world,
and it is certain we can carry nothing out.“

1 Timothy 6:6-6

If you are content with your life, you will find yourself at peace, blessed and joyful.

Key No. 2: Do Not Compare Yourself to Others

“For we dare not class ourselves
with those who commend themselves. But they,
measuring themselves by themselves
among themselves, are not wise“.

1 Corinthians 10:12

Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself. Compete with yourself. Be a better version of yourself today.

Key No. 3: Be Generous

“It’s better to give than to receive”.
Acts 20:35

Our human nature is focused on ourselves. However, God wants us to reflect His giving, caring character.

Key No. 4: Honor Your Father and Your Mother

“Children, honor your father and mother
so that it will go right with you and that
you may enjoy long life on the earth”.

Ephesians 6:1-3

We must respect the wishes and advice of our parents to make better choices and to live a happy life.

Key No. 5: Keep The Commandments of God

“For this is the love of God,
that we keep His commandments.
And His commandments are not burdensome.”

John 5:3

Keep the commandments of God, and you will soon see how blessed your life will become.

These are just some of the keys to happiness according to the Bible which gives us every key we will ever need. Have you searched and found these keys? Is there a key missing that’s keeping you from finding happiness? If so, ask God to show you what key or keys you need to help you discover the happiness you may be missing. Ask Him to help you experience the joy and contentment you may be longing to know in your heart.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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