Article No. 0199

Open Your Spiritual Ears

“He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says”

Revelation 2:12

Have you ever thought you might have a hearing problem? I have to admit that sometimes my husband says, “I don’t think you heard me, Jeanne. Maybe you need to get your hearing checked!” Our hearing is vitally important, but more importantly we also need to check our spiritual hearing.

When life presents problems, ask the Lord to open your spiritual ears so that He will help you hear what His living word advises you to do. Why? Because the Bible is alive! It is God’s guide book to life filled with many treasures much more valuable than gold or any earthly advice. Don’t let it sit in a drawer or be some kind of dusty ornament in your home, but open it up and read it and let it speak to you. It has even greater impact when you read the Bible out loud because God loves to hear His word come back to Him. Reading aloud also helps You to hear better too!

Practice right now by reading this verse out loud:

“Give instruction to a wise person, and they will be wiser; Teach a just person, and they will increase in learning. None knows [the will and word of God] except those who receive it.”
Proverbs 9:9

My friend, open your spiritual ears! Let THE WORD OF GOD reach down inside your heart so that you will know what the Lord wants to say to you and TUNE OUT THE CACAPHONY OF THE WORLD! There is no better hearing than hearing his voice!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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