Article No. 0196

A Battle of Two Voices

“Choose this Day Whom You Will Serve”
Joshua 24:15

We are all familiar with the cartoon where there is an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other, both trying to persuade you one way or another. Although these little imps aren’t really sitting on our shoulders, they are constantly whispering in our spiritual ears.

Every day we are always making decisions about doing this or that. Sometimes these choices are un-consequential like “should I drive to the bank or grocery store first?“, but other times it is a moral decision or thought – and that’s when our ears may be tickled to think and act one way or another. The question is which one will win? The answer to that question is very simple...

It always depends on the one that YOU FEED.

So how do you feed your angels? By-

  • What you lay your eyes upon
  • What you allow your mind to focus upon

The Word of God instructs us in James 1:14 that “Every one is tempted, when they are drawn away by their own lust (i.e. desires), and enticed.“ by what we look at and Proverbs 23:7 refers to misusing our thoughts when it say, “As you think within yourself, so you are.”

Therefore, be vigilant and don’t “feed” the bad angel! Guard your thoughts and don’t cast your eyes on things not edifying to your soul.

The good angel that you feed will always win.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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