Article No. 0194

If Christianity were TRUE,
Would You Become a Christian?

“What is Truth?”
(Pontius Pilate to Jesus before his execution)
John 18:38

Most people do not adhere to any religion - because at heart, they don’t believe what is taught by that belief system is TRUE.

For example, when people see elaborate temples full of candles, incense, and endless statues to strange looking idols, practicing animal sacrifices and performing strange dances, or large cathedrals or mosques they think…Why? What’s the point of going to church service every morning and lighting candles, praying five times each day or following a strict tenant of laws and behavior. None of these things seem logical, acceptable or point to “a way to TRUTH ”.

That leads us to Christianity, which on the surface is the most seemingly un-true and un-believable faith of all. Here is a teaching that claims that a man raised himself from the dead and promises eternal life if you will “eat his flesh and drink his blood” - a non-sensical thought to say the least! Then there are all those other seemingly incredulous Bible stories about the world being created in six days, the Red Sea parting, a talking donkey, and voices from heaven. In this regard, Christianity has all other religions beat for sheer un-believability.

But consider for a moment, What IF Christianity IS TRUE? How would that change things for you personally if that was so?

What if in fact Jesus Christ was God, became man, and came to deliver you from the consequence of sin to bring you into eternal life? What if Christ actually did rise from the dead and ascend into heaven? And because of and believing in that, your eternal destiny would be secure. In that case, that’s a game changer that cannot be ignored.

Faith in God in Christ and in the Bible is indeed a leap of faith and the Bible itself says that “Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please Him (i.e. God)” (Hebrews 11:6)

In the world today there are many “truths” expounded by many, but Jesus said that he was “The way, The TRUTH, and the LIFE.” This message is not designed to convince you, because the only one that can really convince you that this is TRUE is yourself.

SO, If Christianity were TRUE, Would You Become a Christian?


God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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