Article No. 0192

When Love Gets
Turned Backwards

“You must love
the LORD your God with
ALL your heart,
ALL your soul, and
ALL your mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment”

Matthew 22:37

When people become lovers of self instead of lovers of God, love becomes distorted and ends up becoming a evil greater than we realize.

The popular mood in the world today is that everyone can “love” in a way that is right in their own eyes while conversely everyone can justify “hate” in the same way. When that happens, people become supreme “lovers of self”:

“They live in the passions of their flesh,
carrying out the desires of the body and the mind,
since they were children of wrath”.

Ephesians 3:2

Self(ish) love is the result and it is not hard because of this why there is so much turmoil, problems and conflict in the world as people seek to satisfy their own desires in a variety of ways.

God on the other hand is the author and very definition of Love! Instead of putting himself first, he gave all of Himself for the world by coming to this earth and dying for us on the cross. As it says in John 15:13, “No greater love is there than this, that you lay down your life for your friends.” True love is denying self and serving others. How we practice love for each other is a measure of how much God rules in our hearts.

So where are you in this? Take an honest look at the way you love others and ask God what He would have you do and be in the world. Love makes a difference! And you can and will make a difference when you act in LOVE.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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