Article No. 0191

Your Body is a
Holding Place of your

“The days of our years are
threescore years and ten;
and if by reason of strength they be
fourscore years, yet is
their strength labour and sorrow;
for it is soon cut off,
and we fly away.”

Psalm 90:10

LiveMagazines I was walking through a grocery store recently and taken back by a group of magazine covers extoling the science and practice of extending life longevity.

Each cover touted that thought through a type of thinking that there was perhaps no end to creating a life of blissful body, mind health, and spirit. Phrases such as Integrative Healing, Synthetic Biology, Think & Being with a “New Mindfullness” as well and applying the principles of “The Science of Longevity” combined with pictures of yoga-centered peace and youth (and a baby to boot!) jumped off the covers. Although not stated, they implied that a youthful vibrant life can, could, and should continue indefinitely…if only we follow a certain path to get there.

The reality is that despite our best efforts of diet, exercise, and plenty of sleep, our days are numbered and at some point “ is soon cut off”. Today’s scripture pointed this out almost 3,000 years ago!

On average most people may live to 70 and if fortunate 80 years, and then after that “we fly away.” Even using the best methods of science, right thinking and healthy living, at some point just like an old-fashioned wind-up alarm clock the internal “life-spring” inside of us will eventually wind down and we will all cease to keep ticking. So when that happens – and it will happen – are you prepared for the next phase?

Life is short, the body is only a temporary holding place for our souls, but then eternity is FOREVER Where you will be and why you will be where you will be after the soul leaves the body will at that point be a foregone conclusion. No amount of thought, intention, exercise, practice, chanting or prayer will change your soul’s state at that time. The time to truly have “A New Mindfulness” begins here and now. Start this spiritual journey with this thought:

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
For you died, and your life
is now hidden with Christ in God.
When Christ, who is your life, appears,
then you also will appear with him in glory.”

Colossians 3:2-4

Friend, have a “New Mindfulness” to make Christ the focus of your life. Give your life to him TODAY and you will “Redesign a Life” that will last through eternity.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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