Article No. 0178

Could Sin Just Be Out Of Style?

“What comes out of a person
is what defiles him. For from within,
out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts,
sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery,
coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality,
envy, slander, pride, foolishness.
All these evil things come
from within,
and they defile a person.”

Mark 7: 20-23

I’m curious, does hearing the word “sin” irritate you? How about phases like; “You’re going to hell?” or “You better repent?” or “You Must be SAVED!” or signs on the side of the road that say “Jesus saves?” What in the world do those and the word SIN even me or should I care? Even seeing those I bet I’m reading your thoughts, and most likely it does.

Have you asked yourself why do all these things bug the begeebies out of you? Have you ever taken time to ask yourself what is sin anyway? Well, let’s start with it’s definition.

Sin means to transgress, commit an offense, do wrong, commit a crime, break the law, misbehave, go astray, go wrong, fall from grace. Have you ever done any of these things? You know the answer is yes, because everybody (by this definition) sins. The question is: “Why does it (or should it) matter, especially in today’s world?”

Sin - in all it’s overt and discreet forms - has become highly sneaky and surprisingly successful in eradicating guilt and shame. It has created a kind of anesthesia that numbs the senses causing you to have a lack of conscience for your actions or help determine right from wrong. Sin has always been with man since the fall of Adam offering the satisfaction of instant gratification. The bottom line is people know what sin is - they always have - but they just don’t believe it has any relevance to them nor recognize it anymore in their life. They confuse worldly happiness as a substitute for a ´God´ that is no longer a relevant reference point.

To answer the question “Could Sin just Be Out of Style?” the answer today is a resounding YES! Sin is out of style because from most people’s perspective the idea of SIN being relevant was NEVER in style because is so accepted and normal for most people.

The truth is that each of us all sin in one way or another, but the good news is we have Jesus who died for all of our sins. He has made a way for us to give it to Him so we can be free of it. Have you got a problem with sin in some area(s) of your life? Only you can answer that and there’s only one way to end it and end it for good. It comes by recognizing it and coming to Jesus and repenting of it, my friend. He will help you take it out of your life, forgive you and give you eternal life.

Let’s Pray Together:
Dear Heavenly Father, I have sinned all my life and I confess this to you that it is wrong. I ask you to forgive me of my sin and commot myself to be obedient to you as best I can in this life. I ask that Jesus come into myheart, wash my sin away by his saving blood, and bring me into union with you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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