Article No. 0175

But Off-Life

“Love does not behave itself inappropriately,
(it) does not seek its own way.”

1 Corinthians 13:5

One of the great tragedies of this modern, technological age is the disconnect of personal contact that many people have with one another. While we know more things faster about news and what is happening with our friends on social media, we do so in an electronic bubble that is not a bridge to others, but instead is a private wall that we silently build around us. Two experiences I had recently brought this sadly to light.

I was in Starbucks yesterday and took this picture of a mother with her daughter spending time ´together´ While the little girl sat poking at an electronic video game that boinged-and-beeped, her mother sat silently surfing the web on her smartphone. Here a perfect time of love and memory between mother and daughter was wasted seeking their own way while together - yet so far apart.

A couple of months ago I was at a high end mall on the second tier looking down at passerby’s below when I saw four very attractive young girls walking abreast in lock-step, all texting to (presumably) someone else (and almost certainly not to each other!) Here an afternoon of fun with girlfriends was wasted by not simply enjoying the moment.

Love towards others; whether it is sharing a meal together, a walk in the park, or time just visiting is always appropriate. Sadly in today’s world the simple act of simply being is not enough, as so many instead desire to “seek their own way”.

Regardless whether you are a Christian or not, please heed the wise words of today’s verse. Seek not your own way and seek the love and companionship of others. As the old saying goes, no one on their deathbed wished they had spent more time at work - and ditto for being “connected on-line” As 1 Corinthians goes on to conclude “Love Never Fails”.

Take time TODAY to BE and to LOVE.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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