Article No. 0173

Get the HELL Outta Here!

“God spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell,
and delivered them into chains of darkness, ”

Peter 2:4

This often used popular phrase, and the word HELL, is often bantered about in a variety of other playful and sometimes angry expressions. While we don’t really think about it, both the word and it’s context have serious meaning - and also the very idea of it proposes a huge problem for many people.

I often get asked - and angrily confronted by people the question:

If GOD is in fact so ´Good and Loving,´
How could He POSSIBLY send ANYBODY
to HELL?

Along with that goes another challenge of even believing that a place like “Hell” even exists! Well both of these are very good and fair questions and as always, the answer is in the Bible.

Jesus said in Matthew 25:41 that Hell is indeed an actual place of “everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. In other words, it was NEVER intended for the souls of people to go there, but for those angels that gave up their heavenly spiritual state and came down to earth and did great evil (read Genesis chapter 6 for the details.)

So before I answer this question, let me ask you some questions. Have you ever done anything bad? Have you ever done something (speeding, stealing, lying, drugs etc. !!) that was illegal or so bad that if found out you could have gone to jail? While you may have gotten away with it in this life (and most of us have!) there is a day of reckoning where we will stand before the judge of heaven. What will be your defense and how will you convince the judge to not sentence you?

The Bible says that Jesus is our advocate and in the original language that means that he is both JUDGE and ATTORNEY! and at NO COST TO YOU you can seek him and settle out of court!. You cannot beat a deal like that!

The alternative that you choose is to ignore this free offer and to go it alone and face the judge and be your own attorney. That is a choice that YOU make and as the old saying goes, the person that has himself for an attorney has a fool for a client! In the real world, representing yourself almost always ends with you being found guilty and sentenced. If in our analogy ´hell´ is synonymous with ´jail,´ then we see who is the one that is choosing to be sent there – and it is not God.

One last way to look at this is this...God does not force anyone to make this choice. We all have free will and the power to believe and do whatever we choose to do before leaving this life.

What will your choice be?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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