Article No. 0172

Headlines That No One

“And heaven opened,
and Jesus came down
to the earth on a white horse
in his eyes were a flame of fire
out of his mouth comes a sharp sword
(and) with it he will overcome the nations
and rule the earth with a rod of iron.”

Revelation 19:11,12 & 15

What’s your take on headlines like:

  • U.S. To Sell Alaska Back to Russia
  • McDonalds To Stop Selling Hamburgers
  • Jesus Christ is Coming Back to Conquer, Judge, and Rule the Earth

Most people would agree that all of these headlines are FALSE because Alaska hasn’t been sold, McDonalds will keep selling burgers, and Jesus can’t possibly come back because he died 2,000 years ago, right?? Well - that’s what most people would say, but in regards to Christ’s return, that is not what the Bible says.

In fact, the Bible goes into great detail about what is going to happen at the time leading up to his return. It will first be a time of great peace, prosperity, and the union of all nations, but then trauma and trials in nature and across the entire earth will be worse than we have ever seen in the history of the world. At the end of this time, Christ will return and for those that are left there will be dire consequences to face.

This boils down to one simple issue, either:
A) Jesus Christ was in fact “God Made Man Come to Earth” and he truly rose from the dead.
B) Christ’s return is a dream of religious fanatics who stupidly believe a book written by men that has been re-translated so many times to be laughable and he is NOT coming back.

If you are in the “B” camp, all this was a good laugh for the day. Otherwise “two-outta-three ain’t bad”

What do YOU think? The red pill or the blue pill?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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