Article No. 0168

Watch Out - Lying Can Trip You Up

“Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice:
Renounce your sins by doing what is right,
and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed.”

Daniel 4:27

Have you ever wondered why is it so easy to lie? Usually it’s a desire to protect ourselves in some way. We lie to receive acceptance, to bolster our image, to hid our flaws, or for other kinds of self-serving reasons.

In the Old Testament King Nebuchadnezzar had a strange dream and he asked Daniel to interpret it, and so he did. Daniel foresaw that the King was to become insane and become like a wild animal and have to live for seven years in the wilderness. In those days giving a king a bad report could cost one’s life. Yet despite the danger, Daniel held to the truth in what he interpreted and told the King exactly what he saw in the King’s dream.

Why did Daniel speak the truth instead of lying to save his own neck? The answer is he trusted God. His obedience to God was worth far more than anything he could gain from speaking lies or doctoring the truth in an effort to stay safe.

The habit of always telling the truth gives us peace in our spirit. We can rest our heads on our pillows at night knowing we lived that day honorably. However my friend, if you have had a history of skirting around the truth in life, or you know in your heart that you have tripped yourself up by telling lies, stop in your tracks! Ask yourself, “Am I willing to commit to speaking the truth even if it costs me a heavy consequence? Would telling a lie be worth the loss of my character and reputation?” When you practice seeking to please the Lord and letting Him handle the consequences you will always be assured of the best course of action.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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