Article No. 0160

Are You Lost In The Wilderness?

“He who believes in Me,
as the scripture has said,
out of his heart will flow living water.”

John 7:38

Where do you go when you have tried everything within your human power to find the answers you so desperately need? Times when you even want to give up from exhausting everything you know to solve your problem. Have you been there? Boy, let me tell you I have. It’s in these times when it seems there is no relief, and nothing can stop the back and forth pacing, the anguish, and even the hurt of it all.

Sometimes we find ourselves engulfed in this parched, dry place through our situations or circumstances, such as our finances, our health, a broken marriage, death or any number of devastating things. It’s in these dry and wearisome times that Jesus is waiting to meet us right where we are. Waiting to reveal things that will open our understanding, show us His wisdom, give us faith and place hope in our heart once again.

The wilderness is the place where we will have to come to totally depend on the Lord. There is no other help, not from friends or family, but only when we come whole heartedly to Him. When we get on our knees, get on our face and give it ALL to Him.

While Jesus was on this earth, He would withdraw to the wilderness. Why? Because the wilderness was where He gained the strength He needed to withstand all the adversity He was forced to endure. He needed closeness with His Father and times to pray for His Father’s direction. (Luke 5:18) Even though the wilderness was tough and lonely for Him, even though it is tough for you, it will make you a stronger person. A person with wisdom and insight who can help others along the way who may be going through their personal wilderness.

My friend, Jesus knows you and your situation better than you do. The Bible says -

“The Lord will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones. You shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”
Isaiah 58:11

Jesus is “The Living Water.” His water is flowing not stagnant and still. He invites you to come and drink from Him, and you will see how His Living Water will turn your weakness into strength and create new life in you!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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