Article No. 0158

Eternity is Too LONG
to be WRONG

“People are destined to die once,
and after that (comes) _____ (?)”

Hebrews 9:27

How do you fill in that blank? There are many answers that people give - see if one of these is your answer:

  • I’ll automatically go to heaven
  • I’ll reincarnate as another person or animal based on the life I lived in this life
  • I’ll cease to exist – it will be just like I went to sleep but without any dreams
  • Something else (!?)
Let’s face two facts; one that is known, and one that may appear to be unknown. What is known is that we all will cease to be alive. Death is certain. The second fact is what happens next.

The Bible says in today’s verse that the answer is then comes the JUDGEMENT. Whoa! That sounds serious – and it is – but it doesn’t have to be. Why? Because we have all been given a pass to not appear in that judgement court.

We can all go to heaven, but there is one thing you must do before this life ends. Admit to God that you are not worthy to enter into his presence due to your sin, confess that you are a sinner, ask God to forgive you and give your allegiance and life to your Heavenly Father. When you do so, you will escape the judgement of condemnation:

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 8:1

These two facts are certain. The first fact you have no control over. The second fact is entirely up to you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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