Article No. 0150

Indecision is a Decision

“If serving a God that you can’t see or ascertain is even real, then make up your mind what you will give your attention and adoration. Will it be some ancient religion or practice, or just following what everyone is doing or not doing in modern day society? That is not for me! Because regardless of what is popular in society, I have decided to obey and serve the God of the Bible. ”
Joshua 24:15
(heavily paraphrased for modern times)

Life is full of choices. At some point we all have to make a decision to do something or not do something. In some cases it doesn’t matter, but in others it can be literally life changing.

Going grocery shopping today or tomorrow is minor, but major decisions like deciding to accept a marriage proposal or to agree to a job on the other side of the country are literally life changing. In both those cases if you don’t give an answer to the interested party, the decision will be made for you.

Likewise, if you have a plane ticket for a flight leaving today and you cannot decide if you want to go or not, come departure time the plane will leave without you - and that decision will automatically be made for you.

Our ticket and final destination to eternity is the same way. You can choose to serve and obey the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the Holy Almighty God of the Bible - or not. If you make a decision to accept a ticket to be on that flight, when the time comes for your departure, you will be on your way to an eternal destination in heaven, but if you do NOT decide to board on God’s rescue flight of salvation, then that decision will be made for you. At that point, there are no later flights and once you miss it - you miss it - and there is no other way. A non-decision has just become your decision.

Making a non-decision to believe in salvation in Christ is exactly this way. Jesus said that that he was the only way to heaven (John 14:6) - there are no alternate flights, roads, trains, taxis or buses. Choose today whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15) Decide to follow Christ. If you have not made that decision, make it TODAY or that decision will be made for you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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