Article No. 0149

Are You Putting Eternity
On The Back Burner?

“Behold, now is the accepted time
Behold, now is the day of salvation”

2 Corinthians 6:2

Somethings we can put things off until tomorrow without repercussions that can indeed wait to a future time, but others are so important that we have to do them today.

Sadly, the most important thing that people often “put on the back burner” is some sort of reconciliation and decision about what they believe about God and eternity. Some people hear the Good News of the Gospel - that Christ in fact did come to this earth and die on a cross for their sins - and say quietly to themselves, “Well, that could be possible, but I have plenty of time. I’ll get around to that one day.”

But if what if “one day” doesn’t come? What if life were to end unexpectedly through accident or sudden illness and you had not yet made up your mind or made a commitment to the Gospel? Then what?

Jesus mentioned this in Luke 12:20 when he said, “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee.” The man in that story - who was planning on a great earthly future with all his wealth and possessions - had not planned for his eternal future but instead left it up until “tomorrow”.

If you are like that man that put on the back burner what is the most important decision of your life, it will then be too late. At that point by default you chose to let that decision to be made for you. The back burner - if ignored - is hot.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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