Article No. 0148

Ways To Enrich Your Prayer Life

“The fervent prayer of a righteous ma
is powerful and effective.”

James 5:16

Is there a proper way to pray to the Lord? Yes, there are actually several ways to posture ourselves before the Lord in prayer. We not only pray with our minds and hearts, but we also worship God with our physical bodies which help us submit our entire being to Him.

Throughout the Bible, we find Abraham falling upon his face before God. Moses interceding with arms outstretched. King Solomon kneeling. The tax collector beating his breast and lowering his eyes. Queen Ester praying to speak with wisdom, and Jesus turning His eyes to heaven.

If you are not used to praying with any of these postures, try kneeling at first. When you confess your sins, bow from the waist is if the Lord Jesus was standing in front of you. By humbling your body in these ways, your prayers will become more honest, because your heart and words and repentance are shaped by this physical condition.

You may want to sit in a peaceful spot and allow your body to relax a while before you speak. Wait and be still so that you can hear the Lord speak to you. Remember what our Father tells us in Psalm 140:10 “Be still and know that I AM GOD.”

Pray when you’re outdoors and lift your face toward the sun thanking God for all He has done for you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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