Article No. 0139

God is Analog
Not Digital!

“How many are your works, Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
There is sea, vast and spacious,
teeming with creatures beyond number -
living things both large and small.”

Psalm 104:24-25

We’ve all know the term “digital” - but what does that mean?

Analog_vs_Digital Simply put it is a series of millions of “ones” and “zeros” stored or presented on a TV, computer, media, or smartphone. When combined in very complex combinations, information can be presented as audio, video, text and colors like Red, Green and Blue.

However the problem with digital is that even though there may be millions of possible combinations, there is a limit on how precisely any media can accurately be “re-presented.” For example with colors, digitally there are about 256 million possible combinations of colors that can be generated, but if you have ever seen the Grand Canyon at sunset, your eye actually sees a continuous range of colors that simply cannot accurately be re-presented digitally. Likewise when comparing listening to live music -vs- a CD you can clearly hear the difference in “high fidelity” between the two because sound in the space between the 1’s and 0’s has been left out. To put it another way, the source sound or picture has been mutated and abbreviated. It is close to the original but is limited in its ultimate substance. Like this picture on the right, it is a pixelated or approximated view of reality.

Contrawise God is not digital but analog! Analog means "continuous and full without break or space" and is the combination of two Greek words of "ana" (according to) and logos (the WORD)! God is the ultimate "high fidelity" as that word “fidelity” comes from Latin and literally means Truth, and true fidelity is found in God only. Jesus said that he was “the Truth” (John 14:6) and in James 1:17 it says that in the Father there is no “variableness, neither shadow of turning”. The word "variableness" means not mutated, that is it is the whole complete truth, not just a re-presentation of it, so According to the WORD the LORD is infinite in his creative presentation of sound, color, light and love. There is no space left out in anything he does, says, or creates as he is all and in all.

Fidelity, wholeness, and completion is only found in the source and creator of all. Give him glory today and enjoy his ana-log world!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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