Article No. 0129

Only Look At
The Real Thing

“Mine eyes prevent the night watches,
that I might meditate in thy word.”

Psalm 119:148

The famous radio personality Paul Harvey once told a story of a family hurriedly visiting the Grand Canyon. As their minivan screeched to a halt the dad jumped out with his camcorder, made a quick video sweep across the horizon, jumped back in and while speeding away shouted, “You can watch it on the video!!”

If you have been to the Grand Canyon, then you know that no pictures can do it justice! Even years ago before I saw it in person, at Disneyland back in the 1960’s AT&T sponsored an amazing 360° Circlevision movie called “America The Beautiful” which visited many famous places across the country. While the segment of flying through the Grand Canyon in Circlevision was amazing, it could not compare to the actual experience of personally laying your eyes on it.

Likewise so is reading the actual Word of God. Obviously you are reading this message and today’s scripture in Psalms on a smartphone, tablet, or computer screen, but I have found that scripture really becomes present and powerful when you are reading it out of a physical Bible. Now don’t get me wrong! It is OK to research scripture from the web or a Bible app, but to have the Word go INTO YOU DEEPLY cast your eyes directly on the Word. This also applies to reading references in Christian books as well, so instead of just reading a scripture quoted on that author’s page, try opening your Bible and read the actual scripture from the Word directly and it will be much more impactful.

Certainly God’s Word will "Not come back to me (God) void" (Isiah 55:11) The Word always is powerful, but there is elevated power in the actual Word of God.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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