Article No. 0126

Time is The Key
To God’s Will For You

“TRUST in him at all TIMES
All You People and
Pour out your heart before him because

Psalm 62:8

Are you walking in the dark wondering what is God’s will for you or feel that you’re all alone and do not see a solution? Well the LORD does, and if this is where you are, I want you to know that there is a special “Key” that will unlock the answer to the answers you seek, and that key is called Time.

Time alone with you and Jesus is more precious than any other time you can have, and a great way to do this is to make a place for God as “first priority” of your day. When you do your life will never be the same! Here are some steps to put this into practice:

Talk and Walk With God
Talk with Him like He is right there with you by your side, because He is! Develop a close friendship with Him. Seek to KNOW Him, not just seek to KNOW ABOUT Him. Your relationship will grow by spending time in His Word.

Patiently Listen For God’s Holy Spirit
Be still and quiet and hush and settle your mind after you have made your requests to the Lord. Often God takes a while before He speaks to your heart. When you are close to Him, he will show you His plan for your answer! (see Psalm 37:4-5)

Daily Surrender Your Will To His Will
It’s never effective to seek your own will, but it always is when we seek His! He wants you to be committed to whatever it is He desires for you to do, because that will always bear fruit. While he may be slow showing you the way, once he speaks be obedient to what he is saying when you get the answer. (see Romans 12:1-2 and 1 Thessalonians 4:3)

Consider The Circumstances
God both opens and closes doors. Look carefully where you are now. Are doors opening or closing? What do you hear God saying to you? Be sure you are listening to the Holy Spirit, especially if He is nudging you to go in a certain direction. Doors open and CLOSE for a good reason, so consider that when things don’t go as you thought or hoped, there is a reason behind it. (see Acts 16:6-10) Taking quality time each day with the LORD that will mold and shape the future He has planned for you. Use these principles to help you hone in on His will and His path for you. When you earnestly seek His will, you will find it!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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