Article No. 0125

Are You a Convict?

“ And they which heard it (that is,
the righteous Jews accusing a woman caught in adultery)
being convicted by their own conscience
went out one by one, beginning at the eldest,
even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone,
and the woman standing in the midst.; ”

John 8:9

An often misunderstood - and perhaps even offensive word used to describe stepping into faith in the Christian walk is the word conviction. Like it’s root word “convict” it implies that one is guilty of something. The dictionary definition of convict is to prove or find guilty of an offense, to declare guilty of wrongdoing -but there are two other alternate word meanings which also apply.

One is to convince or persuade someone of a fact and recognize the truth of it . Actually in both definitions, this is true of what it means before God to be “convicted”.

Today’s scripture verse exemplifies both of these definitions in a profound and duplicated way. The accusers of the woman caught in adultery were themselves convinced that they also had made mistakes and were also persuaded in their hearts that this was true. However words like convict when studied more deeply yield an even more surprising secret once dissected. Like so many English words, this word is a compound of two Latin parts:

con (i.e. with) + vincere (i.e. conquer or victory)

What?!? To have victory with what you ask? Well, the Bible is the best interpreter of itself, so consider the following verse:

We are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
Romans 8:37

The word conquerors here is the Greek root word NIKE – just like the athletic shoe. So to combine the two words, when we are convicted, we recognize a truth, realize we are guilty, but have freedom and victory once we confess this before God. Then the chains are broken that has tied us to our guilt!

The Bible says “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) but when we are convicted of our sin and confess it, we can then give thanks to God “which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57) If you have not claimed your victory over sin, be convicted today and confess yourself before God!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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