Article No. 0123

You Will Live Forever

“And in hell (the rich man) lifted up his eyes
and saw Abraham and Lazarus.
Crying out he said, 'Father Abraham have mercy on me,
and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue;
for I am tormented in this flame'. ”

Luke 16:23-25

Did you know that you will live forever, and all the things you experience now you will experience then?

Reviewing today's famous scripture of the rich man and Lazarus in the afterlife reveals several interesting and notable facts. First in the afterlife, you will continue to have all your senses. All will experience the ability to see, hear, touch and taste - have thoughts, memories, and be able to speak. The question is in what PLACE will you be at that time?

According to Jesus' words, the rich man was in agony. He cried out begging for just a drop of water, such was his suffering, and later on in the story he begged Abraham to go warn his brothers about the torment there that they might not also end up in this horrible place. Abraham's answer to the rich man in hell is the key to your eternal future when he said in verses 29-30 that “ They have the Law (i.e. the Word of God) and the writings of the Prophets. Let them hear them.”

Likewise, we all have God's LOVE letter to his children, THE BIBLE, and it tells a love story of a Father wanting to reach out and save his children. Like it or not, the Bible is also very clear about what eternity is for all. It is either a place of comfort, peace and love with God the Creator, bringing home all souls that desire to be there, or it is a place of torment of those that choose to reject the message of salvation. The first is called Heaven while the later is called Hell. Jesus spoke or referred to hell about a dozen times as a real place, just as heaven is a real place.

God is LOVE and he is a God of Love, and the Bible says that God’s desire is that “No one is lost (i.e. rejects God’s plan of salvation as foolishness and therefore decides by default to go to hell) but that all people repent and not perish. (2 Peter 3:9) If you have not decided to follow Jesus’ offer for release from the condemnation of sin, turn your heart over to God right now. This is a FREE-WILL choice that everyone needs to make. You choose to either go UP or DOWN. Do not delay because at life’s end, if you have not made the choice to go UP, the other will be chosen be default for you.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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