Article No. 0121

Positive Words Impact Others!

“A word fitly spoken is like
Apples of Gold in
Pictures of Silver.”

Proverbs 25:11

There is great power in the words we speak to others, especially when they are words of encouragement, praise, or thankfulness. Let others know directly how much you value, love, or admire them does not cost anything but only takes a little time and thought.

For example instead of an email, take the time to write a hand written letter or send a post card instead of posting on social media. Likewise when it is someone’s birthday contact them directly and not electronically or at Christmas, send a note with your card telling that person directly how much you appreciate them or recall a fond time when you did something with them together. If your friend got a raise, received an award or had another life event of value, recognize them for it.

Perhaps the biggest impact is what we say to children; the impact of your words can literally be life changing by planting a seed in their heart and mind.

Here’s to each new day beginning with an awareness of all the many blessings other people give us unselfishly. May we find ways show them how much we value and appreciate all they give and do.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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