Article No. 0112

Don’t Delay
Before This Door

“When the master of the house has locked the door,
It will be too late.
You will stand outside knocking and pleading,
Lord, open the DOOR for us!
But he will reply,

Luke 13:25

Door-Closed-Man+Christ 'THE DOOR' that Jesus is speaking about here is the entrance to heaven and eternal life. We all have an opportunity to go through that door, but for a variety of reasons some do not choose to do so.

Some say, 'I don’t believe that door goes anywhere I want to go', or 'I’m going to go through a different door', or best (or worst yet!) 'I’ll go one day (…but I have plenty of time.)'

However as today’ scripture says, some will come to the door too late and then it will be closed and locked. At that point the worst thing that you can hear when knocking and pleading outside the door to eternal life is Christ to walk away and say I DON’T KNOW YOU!

Friend, ALL of us have an invitation to go through the door to salvation and eternal life, but if you tarry or refuse to enter, once it closes no matter how much you stand knocking on the door it will remain closed forever. So friend accept Jesus’ invitation to be in eternity by simply asking you to forgive you of your sins. When you do He will lovingly reply, “Come To Me…and I will give you rest.” [ Matthew 11:28 ]

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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