Article No. 0107

We Own Nothing
In This World

“We come into the world naked (with nothing), and
We will leave the world naked (with nothing)
The LORD gives, and the LORD takes away;
Blessed be the Name of the LORD.”

Job 1:21

Have you ever thought about what we really actually “OWN” in this life?

Sure, we may have luxurious cars, fancy clothes, plentiful cash, profitable portfolios, beautiful homes, and all the trappings that make life fun, easy and comfortable. For others this may also be amazing artistic or athletic capabilities, excellent credentials, exalted titles, impressive offices or high-ranking positions. Lastly for some it could also include beautiful looks, talent and fame. However at life’s end, what do you really “HAVE”??

The stark reality - when you look at it truthfully - is that We Have NOTHING.

While we come into this life as naked, vibrant babies full of promise, we often leave this world as old, weathered and often sick, feeble, forgotten persons. At the moment of death, everything that we have “Owned” in this life becomes a mere memory and disconnected from our eternal reality.

The key to true wealth is realizing that “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) If it is based on God and not the trappings of this world, then the Bible says that “(we are) heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ“ That means that all that your Heavenly Father created as his child is yours, both in this life, and the next! There could be no greater riches than that!

While it is more than OK to have material things in this life, do not let your possessions possess you. They are temporary and will fade away. Thank God for your blessings and remember:

“Set your affection on things above,
not on things on the earth.”

Colossians 3:2-3

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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