Article No. 0105

Shine Your Light,
Shine it Bright

“The unfolding of your words gives light;
it gives understanding to the simple.”

Psalm 119:130

We live in a world that desperately needs the light and the unconditional love of Christ. So many people need compassion, understanding, empathy, acceptance, a helping hand, and a warm caring touch, but who will bring it to them?

As Christians, God has given us this responsibility in His “Great Commission” to go out into the world and share His gospel. While we are not all called to be famous preachers with huge international ministries or TV shows, how then can we be faithful and fulfill Jesus’ command? We do it by being a positive example in how we live our own personal lives and by sharing what Christ has done for us with others thorough our personal testimony. Don’t be afraid and ask the Holy Spirit to give you confidence to speak through you if you are not experienced in sharing your faith. Remember you are not alone because the Holy Spirit is inside of you and will give you the right words at the right time and situation. All you have to do is be real and honest. Jesus wants you to shine your light and shine it bright to everyone and in every situation you encounter.

If ever the world has needed the love of Jesus who gives His power to do all these things through us, it’s right NOW. Jesus is the Light of the World and the "“The Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in YOU"” (Romans 8:11) Now that’s power and light!!

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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