Article No. 0096

Happy Thoughts = Happy Life

“Happy is the People,
Whose God is the Lord”

Psalm 144:15

The famous Pastor and writer, Norman Vincent Peale the author of The Power of Positive Thinking said:

“The way to happiness is to keep your heart from hate,
your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much.
Scatter sunshine, forget yourself, think of others.
Try this for a week and you will be surprised.”

Such sound advice! Much of our happiness in life depends on the quality of our thoughts. Have you noticed that happy people are more creative, that they solve problems faster and tend to be more mentally alert?

Happy people tend to lead rich, fulfilled lives, have good relationships, better health habits, stronger immune systems and live longer than pessimists. Let’s face I; happy people are contagious. They have a kind of magnetic aura that causes us to gravitate toward them making us wonder, “How can I catch what they have?”

We also gravitate much the same way to God’s word, because the more we read it, the more it keeps our minds refreshed and renewed with thoughts centered on the good and enriching things of life. The more we absorb it, the more our negative thoughts begin to diminish and fade away, because God’s positive, uplifting thoughts replace them. Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

My friend, discover the exuberant Joy you will find in Jesus and try Pastor Peale’s recipe for happiness this week and Watch What Happens!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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