Article No. 0095

Looking For Love
In All The Wrong Places

“And ye shall seek me, and find me,
when ye shall search for mewith all your heart. ”

Jeremiah 29:13

There was a popular song in the 90’s that featured a chorus touting today’s title that is not only true for finding the love of another person, but in finding ‘Truth‘ and ‘The Divine‘. This trend escalated during the infamous “Summer of Love” in 1968 San Francisco where people were reaching out to “Discover Themselves,”and find the “The Meaning of Life”.

Person_Meditating_to_the_moon People today are still searching for these answers, but still won’t find it through Transcendental Meditation, Buddha, Allah, Wicca, Fortune Tellers, Astrology, Metaphysics, nature, or the sun or the moon. Why? Because they are searching in all the wrong places. There is only ONE place to find peace and contentment which brings refreshing to your soul and that is in the presence of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the one that created the world and said “Let There Be Light”.

Once you find Him you will KNOW you have found your answers...and he has been there all the time! The very God who made you and the entire universe has always been right beside you waiting on ‘you’ to make Himself known to you. Your heavenly Father is waiting to give you not only your inner peace and contentment, but His divine wisdom, guidance, security, and most of all His unconditional love. He will not force Himself upon you, because He wants you to come to Him willingly. If you have not done this yet, do it NOW.

But what do I do to find Him? you might ask? It takes just two things.

First, he has written a letter to you called The Bible that tells you all you need to know. Second, re-read today’s scripture verse above. It is not complicated, and you don’t have to be a theologian to find him. Just close your eyes, be still, and ask to be in His presence. Tell the LORD how grateful you are for Him giving you life and for all your blessings and tell Him you love Him and start praising His name. The more you begin to worship the LORD and praise, the closer you will find true love in “All The Right Places.”

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Matthew 6:33

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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