Article No. 0093

Which WayAre You

“Those who WALK on the
Right path fear the LORD; but
Those who take the wrong path
Despise him.”

Proverbs 14:2

WalkingToGod Whenever we are walking, we are always walking TO something or AWAY from something. While this is true in the physical world, it ’s also true in the spiritual world.

The road of life is like this too. Although we’re all moving towards the end of our time on earth, we are either consciously or unconsciously walking towards God or away from God. As today’s scripture verse says in more modern terms, those taking the 'right' path are those that fear that a danger is present if going the wrong way.

Right now, look up at the sign post of eternity. The arrow that you are following will eventually lead you to that destination, so the question is 'Which way is the sign you are following pointing?'

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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