Article No. 0092

Nothing is Hidden

"(The LORD) will bring to light what
is hidden in darkness and will expose
the motives of the heart. "

1 Corinthians 4:5

Video cameras are everywhere these days! On our streets, outside of buildings, at the bank, in the mall, in elevators - and in ever increasing places. Add to that the news that we are tracked 24/7 on-line in what we view, what we shop for, and by the GPS in our phones also tracked and monitored just about wherever we go.

Even with all this electronic surveillance, in our private moments, we might think that when "when no one is looking" that we might get away with indulging in some secret sin...but nothing could be further from the truth.

The Bible says in Hebrews 12:1 that "we have (a great) cloud of witnesses surrounding us" - Angels...but also the LORD himself, watching over us but also watching us too. Therefore we need to be accountable and examine ourselves.

Learn more and take a few minutes to watch this short video to find out.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH (3 min 7 sec)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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