Article No. 0091

Information -vs- Revelation

“I want you to know brothers and sisters that the gospel
I preached is not of human origin.
I did not receive it from any man nor was I taught it; rather
I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.”

Galatians 1:11-12

So what is the difference between Information as opposed to Revelation?

While Information is almost generally observable or measured and categorized as a “fact” of some sort, Revelation can be defined as the unveiling of new information that was previously unknown. While these sometimes surprising “new facts” can come through scientific discovery or investigative reporting, there is actually a third, more significant type of revelation - Divine Revelation. This is what the Apostle Paul was referring to in today’s scripture.

Divine Revelation is God’s supernatural impartation of disclosure for humanity. It is an uncovering of Divine truth which comes from the Holy Spirit given to our spirit and our soul (our mind). It is very important to understand that while anyone can read, study and gather loads of “facts,” not everyone can receive Divine Revelation. This only comes when we fellowship with the Lord in His Word, pray, praise, listen for His voice, and worship Him; in other words - spending quality time alone with Him. When we realize how much He loves us and wants more than anything that we share a special time of our day set aside for Him, then we can expect Him to give us HIS divine revelations.

Nothing can compare to the presence of God. Come close to Him and you will KNOW Him and you can expect Him to reveal more and more of Himself to you. Why? Because He loves you more than you could ever imagine.

Commit today to seek him diligently, and let Him show you things that you could only learn by revelation.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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