Article No. 0088

How To Get
A Heavenly Facelift

“We all, who with unveiled faces
contemplate the Lord’s glory,
are being transformed into His image
with ever increasing glory”

Galatians 5:22

Have you ever really noticed the expressions on people’s faces? Some may show a frowning brow, a turned down angry mouth, or a blank look in the eyes, while other people have kind eyes, a welcoming smile, and a gentle look that seems to draw you to that person. What causes that?

Although we can’t do much about the faces we are born with, but we can do something about the person we’re growing into, and what we are becoming can brighten our appearance. How you may ask? When you see seek humility, patience, kindness, forgiveness, peace, patience, love, and godly holiness, it transforms the countenance of a person. While this will not prevent the lines and wrinkles as we grow older, as we grow toward an inner resemblance to Jesus, we will gain a godly glow that radiates from us no matter our age.

So the next time you see yourself in the mirror, check out your face and see if it is a face that reflects the love of Jesus to everyone you meet. Remember the song, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” Why not sing it to yourself in the mirror? Be transformed by the inner working of God.

Good idea, huh?!? Start your FaithLIFT today!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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