Article No. 0086

God Loves To Hear You Sing

“I will sing a new song to You O God,
on a harp of ten strings
I will sing praises to You.”

Psalm 144:9

Did you know that here are three things God loves to hear? They are:

  • His Word spoken back to Him
  • Your heart felt prayer (and)
  • Your voice singing and praising His holy name

The LORD doesn't care if you can sing like Sarah Brightman or Andre Bocelli, but what He does care about is your sincerity and love in how you praise Him. It does not matter if your voice crackles or if you sing off key... that doesn’t make a bit of difference to the Lord because it is still a beautiful sound to His ears.

Singing songs of praise will cause you to focus wholly on Jesus. When you praise God you cannot worry or have fear at the same’s just not possible! If you’re feeling discouraged or don't know what to pray during a hard time, just sing to the Lord and He will hear your heart and you will be amazed at how much lighter you will feel. Sing from your heart to the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to sing through you.

The Psalms were in fact written mostly as songs to be sung; take a look in particular at Psalm 113 and Psalm 118 and remember that Jesus and the disciples sang a hymn at the Last Supper.

So begin the day singing praise songs, watch how it will lift your spirit and bless the Lord at the same time.

“But I will sing of Your power; Yes,
I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning.”
Psalm 59:16

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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