Article No. 0085

Our Life As
An Open Book

"Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 5:16

We have all heard the phrase "You can't judge a book by it's cover" yet in fact when people look at our lives and more realistically- into our lives - we are in fact observed and indeed "judged" by people one way or another. So it comes down to how do people really view us? What kind of life example are we showing? Is our "Light Shining" reflecting God, or is it a mirror of something else?

Although today's scripture often viewed in a positive light, this is actually a hard saying of Jesus, and a real challenge to who we are and what we are all about. But wait you could I be a bright shining light? All of us indeed have faults because we are human, and we certainly are not just like Jesus and everyone makes mistakes. The Bible says that we all sin, but that is not the point here.

When you accept Christ as your Saviour and the Holy Spirit of God comes in you, that is the light of Christ. Our challenge is then to let the light shine; it is not up to us to make it shine! While simple in thought, as humans this can be hard in practice!

The Apostle Paul gives us a clue in how to do this when he wrote:

"Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called..."
Ephesians 4:1

The word in Greek for "walk" means in essence "do not step or trounce on holy things or step into evil areas." Simply put, proceed through life conscious of our actions in light of this "walk," so watch your steps each day. Be mindful of what you say, think and do, not just in front of others, but by yourself too.

All of our lives are an "open book." How does your story read?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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