Article No. 0083

For Veteran’s Day...
A Debt Of

“For this (soldier)
Loves Our Country
(and has made it possible)
For us to have a place of worship”

Luke 7:5
(Heavily Paraphrased)

military-service-emblems The Gospel of Luke tells a story about a Roman Centurion that sought Jesus to heal his sick servant, but it also tells us that he was both a dedicated soldier and had a love for country.

While that is a wonderful story of one man’s faith and service, it also points to the dedication that millions of people, both past and present, have given in performance to the service of our country. These Men and Women are our Veterans, and today is the day that we honor them for their service.

Some may have served a single tour of duty, while others spent an entire career, there were many more that paid the ultimate price and laid their lives down for their friends and country. In all cases, we owe a huge thank you to all those that serve and have served.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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