Article No. 0078

Are You Fat or Fit?

“Present your bodies as a living sacrifice
that is holy that is acceptable unto God,
which is your reasonable service.”

Romans 12:1

Is the Bible talking about “physical fitness” here or something else? Well, yes in one sense it is, but there is a second even more important part of the care of our body, but let’s first start with the physical.

Over the last sixty years the overall health of people in America has gotten worse. Despite the running craze of the 70’s and the yoga fad of the 80’s along with all those work-out CD Infomercials and organic no/low fat foods, in the last 30 years people have gotten fat and out of shape. Current statistics show that 3 in 4 men and 2 of 3 women are moderately or severely overweight. Indeed we need to take care of our body, as it is "the temple of the Holy Spirit."

We let “fat” all too often reign in our mortal bodies because we give into our physical temptations, but there is an even more important discipline that we all succumb to and that is giving into our spiritual temptations. Romans 6:12 says “Let not sin...reign in your mortal body” yet we do it anyway. So what is the answer to this dilemma?

Like being disciplined to good diet and consistent exercise, we can also apply similar principles in our Spirit. The Bible promises us that we can “Resist the Devil, and He shall Flee From You!” and remember that “The Power that raised Christ from the dead dwells IN YOU.” In Christ, we already have both the victory and authority! We DO have the tools to achieve this, but like our gym membership and shopping and dining habits, it takes a disciplined focus to stay on track.

Indeed “The Spirit is Willing but the Flesh is Weak,” but that does not mean this battle is hopeless! You do not have to be “spiritually fat”, but you CAN continue to strive daily to be “Spiritually Fit.” Just like taking care of our body, it takes focus and attention but it is doable, and the results are well worth it in your spiritual health.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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