Article No. 0070

Are You Judging Yourself
By the Scale?

Thou art weighed in the balances,
and art found wanting.”

Daniel 5:27

Most people go by two scales. Bathroom_scale

For many of us our familiar foe is the dreaded “bathroom scale” which answers the daily question of whether or not we are winning or losing the battle of the bulge. Some days it looks promising and others…not so much.

The other scale is what could be called the “good person scale” where we examine our life and generally hope that we are doing a pretty good job of being a decent human being. Then at the end of our life, we hope that God will look favorably on how our good works have outweighed our bad works and we will go to heaven.

In today’s scripture Belshazzar, an evil king in ancient Babylon threw a huge party and was drinking out of the sacred gold chalices that had been captured after conquering the Jews and raiding the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. At the highlight of their revelry, a hand supernaturally appeared and wrote on the wall the famous phrase above (this where we get the phrase to “see the handwriting on the wall.”) That night his kingdom was overthrown and he died a horrible death. Belshazzar’s naughty/nice scale was obviously weighed heavily on the really bad side, and with certainty his eternal fate didn’t fare so well. This brings us back to that second scale.

Judgement_Seat The big mistake people make is believing that our eternal fate and final judgment is based on how the good works will outweigh the bad. The truth is we don’t stand before God and get judged by that scale. The Bible says that “all have sinned,” and in actuality we are all not worthy to enter eternity to be in God’s presence—but here is the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL!

Sin is a debt that must be paid, but it doesn’t get paid by our good works because it was already paid when Christ died for our sins. Our choice is simple; we all can either embrace and accept what Christ did at Calvary and profess our obedience to serve him, or to ignorantly hope that our naughty/nice scale will save us.

Don’t base your eternal life on the scale. Accept Christ today and put your trust in the Cross of Christ, then the only scale you’ll have to concern yourself is the one in the bathroom. (Best wishes on that one!)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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