Article No. 0069

God Loves You
Inside and Out

“Your eyes saw my substance,
being yet unformed. And
in Your book they all were written,
the days fashioned for me, when
as yet there were none of them.”

Psalm 139: 16

I recently saw an amazing medical documentary about the very first moment of conception in the womb. This is a profound achievement that has never before been possible in the history of modern medical science.

After seeing this program, there is no doubt that human life is not only miraculous, but the most intricate and complex creation God has ever made. As your Creator, He is actually present there with you from that very first moment! He is the ONE who loves every single part of you and who knows your ways, the ONE who has come to understand your joys and heart aches, the ONE who endowed you with our own unique personality, gifts, hopes, and dreams. God is the ONE who will still be with you throughout all your days...your entire life time! There is nothing about you that God is not aware of, and nothing in all this world more important to Him than YOU. While science can document the event, they don’t really know how and why life suddenly starts, but the Bible says that "HE forms us in our mother’s womb." (Psalm 139:13)

The Lord God is the Alpha and Omega who knows the beginning and the end, and is Omnipresent knowing your days and what you will do. Today’s verse says that he has already written them in His book.

A good friend of mine once gave me a sign which hangs on our kitchen wall that says, “Life is fragile. Handle with care.” It’s a reminder to Wayne and me that every single day is precious. So enjoy the day that you are given, and make the very most of it.

Take time today to read Ephesians 3 and thank your heavenly Father for creating you and for giving you the breath of life and for making you a miraculous miracle! Enjoy your Father’s love and be blessed knowing you are LOVED (and made!) inside and out!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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