Article No. 0064

Be Refreshed
Taste The Living Water

“Come to me, all who
are weary and heavy burdened,
and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:23

There’s nothing like tasting an ice cold glass of water on a hot, summer day, or taking a little power nap in the afternoon when you start to feel sleepy.

We all need physical rest, don’t we? But we also need “soul rest” --that is, rest from worry, tension, fear, stress, guilt, bitterness and anxiety. We live in a culture that chronically overworks leaving us little time to stop and smell the roses or to enjoy the simple things of life. However, there is a “rest” you can come to at any time, and at any place you choose when you come to Jesus.

Jesus was just as human as you and me and He often needed time to slip away from the toils and tugs of life and his ministry to find rest, reassurance and comfort with His Father. We have times when we, too need to slip away alone to ‘chill out’ from the many issues we face in life, too. Times to lay them all down at the feet of Jesus. He tells us in John 4:14, “But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him will be a well of everlasting life.”

So, my friend, life is going to always have some pretty hard bumps in the road because we live in this fallen world, but we have a Life Savior who can and does handle anything, no matter what it is. His name is JESUS, the ever flowing fountain of living water you can count on any time day or night to refresh, replenish, and revive your body and your soul.

Be refreshed. Taste the Living Water!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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