Article No. 0057

The Riskiest Bet
You Could Make

“It is appointed unto men
ONCE to die,
But after this the JUDGEMENT.”

Hebrews 9:27

crap-table+snake-eyes Most people are not Gamblers in the truest sense of the word, but many people take the biggest gamble of their lives by “letting it ride” on what happens after death. In this high stakes table game of life, instead of going with a sure return on an investment in eternity, they just 'toss the dice'  and assume the best. If you are one of those people, this is the RISKIEST BET YOU COULD MAKE.

The truth is that if you are depending on always throwing a “seven”or getting three bars on that heavenly slot machine, you’re wrong! Just like in a regular casino, people that play these games are set up to LOSE but there is one investment that will always make you a winner, and that is to place it ALL on Christ.

You see, when Christ died on the Cross he covered that sure losing bet on your life, but here’s the thing! You have to choose to accept His offer to cover the loss of your soul.

Friend, don’t be a loser and hope that your final roll will be a winning one, because without Christ it will come up snake eyes every time. Accept His FREE offer of salvation today before you toss that final roll of the dice on your last day.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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