Article No. 0053

The Last Helicopter
Out Of Saigon

"And Noah went in, and his sons,
and his wife, and his sons wives
with him, into the ark"

Genesis 7:7

On April 29th 1975 panicked South Vietnamese citizens burst into the U.S. Consulate in Saigon hoping to escape the impending doom that would shortly arrive when the Viet Cong would overrun the city, win the war, and cast many of them into prison or kill them mercilessly. They saw a means of escape in the last helicopters that were landing on the top tower of the Consulate and believed if they could just get on one of those helicopters that they would be saved.

Over 4,000 years ago another group of people saw an escape vehicle and did not believe that they needed to escape from anything. As far as they were concerned, the world and life was just fine. Noah spent 100 years building an ark, most certainly paying laborers to help and warning them everyday about a massive flood coming, but they paid no attention. They saw this preaching as foolishness, but when the rains came and filled the earth, no doubt many were beating on the door to get in...but then it was too late. They literally "Missed The Boat."

Our lives are just like Saigon and Noah's time, the SAME difference is do you believe the means of escape is necessary or not? Sadly, for most people, they don't think that they need saving. “Oh, I'm just fine” they say. This "saving" business is a bunch of religious foolishness.

Jesus gave us a warning in Matthew 24:37 of:

" As it was in the days of Noah,
it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

Today people see the ark or the helicopter. It is right in front of them...but they don't believe they need to escape, yet Jesus again clearly warns, as Moses once did:

Watch ye therefore, and pray always,
ye may be accounted worthy to escape
these things that shall come to pass

There is a means of escape from a terrible fate in eternity, but you have to believe that this is the only way. Christ said that he was the only way, but in order to be SAVED you need to step onto that ark or get in that helicopter or you will be left behind.

If you have not done so today, then "Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, and you shall be saved." Romans 10:9

Do not miss the boat or you will not fly away!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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