Article No. 0051

How to Start With
A Clean Slate

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation;
old things have passed away;
all things have become new.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

Too many of us walk around wanting to kick ourselves for the poor choices we have made in the past. But did you know that just One Good Decision, the decision of receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior will erase a life time of bad mistakes?

We are all human and we all make mistakes; there’s not a soul breathing that hasn’t done or said something wrong. You may have made some really big mistakes, but Jesus knew that fact when He was on the cross for you. Re-read that sentence. He died for YOU. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, and He knows every single thing you did no matter how bad, but it doesn’t matter because He suffered and bled for you and washed away your sins--past, present and future Because He Loves You! In Christ you can have a Clean Slate.

There is only one way to live forever and that is first by agreeing with Christ. Please let this sink down inside your heart and mind. Confess that you are a sinner and ask him to forgive you for all your sins -- you cannot fake anything with Him because he knows you and will gladly forgive ALL of them, when you obey His Word and follow Him.

Psalm 103:12 says, “As far as the east is from the west, that is how far He has removed our sins from us.”

If you don’t know Jesus, stop rebelling against Him. Don’t go with the crowd and fall into this category! You CAN live in eternity-- clean, blessed and redeemed forever, so what are you waiting for? Life is volatile every day. You have this day to start a clean slate by opening your heart to Jesus. Won’t you let Him in?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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