Article No. 0042

Are You The Chicken or The Pig?

“There were many priests in the
Temple at Jerusalem that believed
in Jesus, but because of the head rulers,
they did not express their faith in Christ
openly because they were afraid of being
put out of the synagogue, for they loved
their position and the praise of the people
more than their commitment and love for God.”

John 12:42-43 (paraphrased)

Here are two humorous antidotes that could describe their predicament:

  • The chicken makes a contribution, but the pig is fully committed
  • If you have one foot in a bucket of ice and the other in a pot of boiling water, than theoretically you should feel perfectly fine

Most people, if you are honest, casually agree that Jesus Christ did ‘exist,’ that the Gospels were generally based on his life, and that Christianity came out of his influence. Either that, or he was God Made Man, Died For Your Sins, Rose From The Dead and is truly The LORD Of The Universe. Either way, the world by default acknowledges each calendar day that his-story records that it is currently about 2,018 years since the birth of this remarkable man.

So the big question using our analogy is are you the Chicken or the Pig? (no insults intended of course!) While the chicken can produce eggs for many omelets and happily live its life, for the pig to bring a contribution to the table of life, it must make the ultimate sacrifice.

Likewise, the high priests in the temple had to make a similar choice. While they were at the top of society religiously, spiritually, politically and financially, they also could not deny the miracles that Jesus performed, were powerless in countering his profound wisdom and inarguable words, and saw the people moved in ways they never could as keepers of the Law of Moses. They could continue in their lives living religiously and ‘rule the roost’ as “chickens,” yet if they committed themselves like the “pig,” they’d have to be slaughtered and die to the world they loved so much.

So which one are you?

Likewise you cannot have one foot in a bucket of ice (“cold towards God”) and have the other foot in boiling water (“dedicated to God.”) At some point, you will have to make a decision.

What is your decision today?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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