Article No. 0041


”Casting all your care
Upon the Lord, for
He cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:7

I read a sign once that said:

"Hello this is Jesus, I will be lifting your burdens today and I don’t need your help.”

Sometimes It seems like there’s no one in this world who can solve your burden but yourself. It can be so heavy that you actually feel the weight on your shoulders making you feel like you’re all alone. Oh, but my friend, there is a friend who has the biggest, strongest shoulders you can ever imagine! He can handle whatever you are carrying and take it completely from you. His name is Jesus I mean it doesn’t matter how heavy your load may be. You will not believe how much lighter and freer you will feel when you hand it over to Him.

But here’s the catch. First, you need to have faith that Jesus is the One who will take this burden from you, and once you give it to Him you must release it. Don’t take it back because when you do, the problem won’t be solved.

Second, open up you heart and pray a prayer like this: “Lord Jesus, this burden is just too big for me. I cannot keep carrying it or solve it no matter how hard I try. Will you please take it from me? I give it to you.” Jesus will hear your prayer and He will answer you, because you are reaching out to Him to help you. He so cares for you.

A life long friend and Christian singer named Winston Blackwood gave me a beautiful song he wanted me to sing once called “Give It All To Jesus”. The lyrics say,

“Give it all, give it all to Jesus.
Shattered dreams, broken hearts and broken toys
Give it all, give it all to Jesus and
He will turn your sorrow into joy.”

No one can fix things like put your trust and faith in Him to carry and relieve you from your burdens. He will bring new hope and joy back into your life. I guarantee you that He will!

God Bless Your Day

Jesus Loves You

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