Article No. 0039

Run The Race
Give It All You’ve Got!

“You are God’s workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus to do
in advance for (only you) to do”

Ephesians 2:10

What do want to accomplish with your life? Can you see it in your mind? Do you feel it in your spirit? Are you aware that you have a race ahead of you and you must shape your goals and measure your time to reach it? Stop and listen. The race is calling you, pushing you, but don’t give into distractions, find excuses to not serve the LORD and deceive yourself. Scrutinize your life to see if you are carrying any weights or sins that may be hindering you. (Hebrews 12:1) You are not alone as God is holding your hand and wants you to succeed. Above all else, your goal is to please Him. Discipline yourself and get others to hold you accountable. Stretch to be and do what pleases Him for what ever it costs you, it’s worth it. It’s the fine pearl you would gladly sell everything for so you can buy it.

“Did you know that in a race all the runners run,
but only one gets the prize?
Everyone who competes in the games
goes into strict training.
Run so that you may obtain it.”

1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Our Heavenly Father is not satisfied with lukewarm, commonplace mediocre Christians. He says He spits them out of His mouth in Revelation 3:16. He is not interested in those who often pass a precious moment to share the love of Jesus with someone. That one moment that could save their lives for eternity. God is looking for passionate souls who are willing to run the race and dedicate their lives with their gifts to serve Him with all their hearts.

My friend, be a “Runner for Christ.” Give it all you’ve got. The reward will be great when this life is over. You will stand before the Lord and He will say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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