Article No. 0034

What Will Happen
To You In Court
Before The Judge?

“And I saw the dead, small and great,
stand before God; and the books were opened:
and another book was opened, which is
and the dead were judged out of those things
which were written in the books,
according to their works.”

Revelation 20:12

Have you ever done something wrong, but never got caught? We’ve all done things wrong in life; some minor, and certainly some really bad things that we would be ashamed to admit, and hope were hidden sins, but not so fast! The Bible says that everything we do in this life is written in a book, that Nothing Is Hidden and that EVERYTHING will come out in a celestial court (...but more on that in a minute.)

Suppose you’ve been caught doing something really bad and you go to court and don’t have an attorney. The prosecutor is strongly advocating that you go to jail but the judge says that if you can pay a large fine you could go free, but you have no money. What would happen next? It doesn’t look like it will turn out well, does it?

In this analogy, You are the accused, Satan is the accuser, and Holy God is the Judge. all of us are just like the person in this story! We all are guilty of sins that we cannot pay for, but who will pay our fine, argue our case, and redeem us out of this situation? Well, there is good news!

You can settle out of court, because someone already paid the fine, even before you committed the crime! The Bible says in Revelation 5:9 that “(Jesus) has redeemed us to God by his blood for (…everyone)” and John 2:1 says it even more plainly in that “if anyone sins, we have an advocate [literally an attorney] with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous”. The intercession and means of release is there, and it is even FREE, but there is one thing you must do, and that is to ask Christ to be our advocate and intervene in our case to claim our innocence.

If you have not done this, you can do that RIGHT NOW praying the following prayer in sincerity of heart, soul and mind:

Heavenly Father, I have sinned and done many awful things in my life. Please forgive me of all my sins. I ask that the sacrifice that Jesus made dying for my sins cover me and erase the stain on my spirit. I will from this day forward live to the best of my human ability to follow you and do what you know is best in this life. I ask and pray this in Jesus’ name, AMEN

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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